We have gathered some different ways to on how to help your child become better at reading. These different ideas have been gathered from a number of sources, as well as written by ex-teacher Francis Hansen. These ideas are not meant to replace any reading techniques by their teacher or at school.
Pick one or two activities and prepare one for morning and night.
As your child achieves in the activity go onto another. The child MUST always be achieving. If it is too hard, find an easier activity. Do not let him/her get bored with it. Keep it light, short and varied.
Some children (and parents!) are too tired at night to do extra. Make the effort to get up 10-15 minutes earlier in the morning to do these activities when you and your child are fresh.
Make a reading or activity time everyday for everyone in the house when the television is NOT allowed to be turned on. This will prevent the child rushing through the task and being preoccupied with what the other family members are watching on TV.
It has been shown in a number of studies that if Dad works with the child, progress is achieved faster, especially if the child is a boy. This, of course, is not always practical but we found that by sharing the activities as parents with one working at night and the other in the morning, we achieved the best results with our children.
As parents we can get very frustrated, tired and even angry with our child because they are not learning, didn’t listen or will not concentrate. At these times it is important to remember that our child does not choose to learn, listen or concentrate. Consider how frustrated, tired and angry your child must feel inside because he/she cannot live up to your expectations.
Of all the people in your child’s life you are the one who must be patient, loving and understanding of them and their problems. The chances are that their peers and siblings may not.